Erin Schulberg, RDN, LD
As a registered and licensed dietitian, I want to provide you with the best care possible. I work with people of all ages and backgrounds to provide inclusive and informative nutrition counseling. As someone who experienced an eating disorder as a young woman, I know how challenging that recovery can be. Moving on from the diet mindset and healing your relationship with food is possible. I practice from a non-diet, weight inclusive perspective and encourage Intuitive Eating and Health At Every Size practices. We will discuss everything from food choices and meal structure to joyful movement and exercise and how these things will fit in to your new life. I want to support you as you work toward your goals, whether that is to attain health or just to enjoy food again.
I studied nutrition at Oregon State University in my home state of Oregon. I also matched with the dietetic internship program through OSU, where I gained wonderful experience in the dietetics field. After completing that program I moved to Georgia to join my now husband in Atlanta. I have worked at an eating disorder treatment center and in private practice since coming to the South. I am so grateful for the opportunities I have received since coming here, they have informed my current practice and allowed me to open Fed Up Nutrition in 2022.
I am a happy resident of "OTP" Atlanta. I recently had my second child and he made our family of four complete! My husband and I enjoy taking our kids out on the golf cart to explore our town. We like to visit the many amazing restaurants in the city and frequently make trips back to my home state of Oregon to visit family.
Thank you for being here and I look forward to meeting you!